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Saturday, April 26, 2008

Intermediate Second Year Results - 2008

Andhra Pradesh Senior Intermediate Results 2008 will be made available at this website as soon as they are released. The complete list of websites as well as District-wise passouts will be made available.
The results of the Second Year Intermediate will be announced on April 27 at 4.30pm according to the Board of Intermediate Education sources. The results will be released at the office of the Board of Intermediate and will be available on the following websites:

The results can also be had over phone number 1100 from any BSNL land line. E-Seva Centres in the twin cities and Rajiv Centres in other places.
From BSNL Phone at 1255225, 22222222 in Hyderabad and 95401255225, or 954022222222 from other places in the State.
CellOne and Excel users can access the results at 12506
Air tel: 646, 250108, 444 and 3030
BSNL:12555 and 1250108

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